CrossFit Coordinate CrossFit Gear

By now you are starting to wonder about will help you become a better athlete. Below are some recommendations!


Reebok Nano Training Shoes

These are great overall shoes for folks that have a wider foot. There are many different versions of this common training shoe. The pictures and links below both the women's and men's version of the Nano 2.0. There are a lot of versions and options. Reach out if you have any questions. 

Nike Metcon Training Shoes

These are great overall shoes for folks that have a more narrow foot. There are many different versions of this common training shoe with different colorways and pricing. Reach out if you have any questions. 

NoBull Training Shoes

There is a love/hate relationship with this brand. Many love their flat style and interesting colorways. Others feel there is not enough cushion. There are many different versions of this common training shoe with different colorways and pricing. Reach out if you have any questions. 

Reebok Men's

Reebok Women's

Nike Men's

Nike Women's

NoBull Shoes

Jump Ropes

WOD Nation Beginner Jump Rope

This is a great, inexpensive option for beginner/intermediate athletes. Jump Rope takes practice!

RPM Jump Ropes

We would only recommend this rope for more advanced athletes who have double unders, but want to become more efficient. These can be customized and their aluminum handles spin quite well!

Rogue Fitness Ropes

Rogue sells a variety of ropes, from beginner ropes to ropes for more proficient athletes.

WOD Nation Jump Rope

RPM Jump Ropes

Rogue Fitness Ropes


Bear Komplex Grips

These protect your hands from tears when doing any sort of pulling or toes to bar. There are different options in terms of 2 hole or 3 hole and different sizes. Bear Komplex makes quite a few options and styles and there are quite a few brands. For Bear Komplex, we recommend to get one size bigger than the sizing chart

Victory Grips

These grips are well regarded. They have a variety of materials including leather. Like Bear Komplex, there are many options including 2 hole, 3 hole, and no hole options.

Victory Grips

Bear Complex Grips